LAVA Hot Yoga Programs

Programs at LAVA Hot Yoga @ Great World
For Women only

Hot Yoga Expertise from Japan ♥ Programs Designed for Women ♥ Professional Instructors ♥ Private Space ♥ Homely Environment

Located at Great World Singapore, experience Singapore's only women-only hot yoga studio from Japan with chakra lighting and hinoki hot stones flooring!

Strictly women-only homely environment with ultimate privacy. Programs designed for the modern woman and her modern lifestyle, suitable for various yoga levels and women of all ages!

*LAVA Yoga signature class with uniquely composed music by our Master Trainers from Japan.

LAVA Hot Yoga & Fitness Promotion 2025<

LAVA Hot Yoga & Fitness Promotion 2025<

LAVA Hot Yoga & Fitness Promotion 2025<

LAVA Hot Yoga & Fitness Promotion 2025

Hot Yoga
For Beginners & Advanced Practitioners

Level of difficulty

Yoga Flow Relax | プログラム写真

Discover the power of gentle movements and soothing rhythms as you embark on a journey of deep healing and tranquility. Repetition is the key to unlocking your body's potential for restoration and rejuvenation. With each stretch and twist, sync your breath with the rhythm of the music, allowing yourself to surrender to its calming embrace.

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Nature Yoga | プログラム写真

This dynamic practice focuses on synchronising the body movements with the breath naturally, akin to how yoga should actually be. Some postures have been modified to build strength and flexibility, encouraging the body and mind to find inner peace. The accompanying original music will guide you into deeper physical and emotional connection while the special lighting stimulates Chakras (energy centres) purifies your body’s energy system.

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Anti-aging Yoga | プログラム写真

The ageing process is part of our lives. While the fountain of youth may just still be a fable, we have created a program that may help slow down the effects of ageing. Our Anti-Aging program is designed to activate the female hormones and enhance your natural feminine beauty from the inside. This class focuses on the continuous yoga poses accompanied by the slow breathing and stimulation of your pelvic floor muscles, which is deeply connected to hormonal secretion. This program also improves posture and overall well-being. Incorporate this program’s movements into your daily lives and bring out the natural beauty in you!

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Shoulder Yoga | プログラム写真

Long hours spent in front of our computers and carrying heavy items can result in shoulder strain, stiff neck, aching shoulders, and a sore lower back. Shoulder therapy helps relieve tension from the shoulders and neck while working on your hip joints. Feel the weight lift off your shoulders and hips by increasing the motion range in the neck and shoulder.

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Full Moon Yoga | プログラム写真

Many traditional cultures revere the moon as a manifestation of the divine feminine force in nature. Practising Chandra Namaskar, a series of 16 poses, initiates a very powerful practice during a full moon, as lunar energy can be absorbed for empowerment and intuitive energy. This yoga class will include pranayama, meditation, chanting and satsang.

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Hip Yoga | プログラム写真

This class is designed to build up healthy and beautiful buttocks through working out on buttocks muscle with awareness. These muscles are essential for a well-balanced posture for the buttocks and the whole body figure. We recommend this class for all who want to have beautiful buttocks and to maintain an overall healthy figure!

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LAVA FLOW 1 | プログラム写真

This signature beginner program is sequenced with original music composition by LAVA to synchronise body movement with the breath. LAVA Flow 1 promises a hatha-vinyasa practice to deepen each asana. Each class is introduced with pranayama and meditation methods to increase mindfulness and focus. This program aims to improve muscle strength, endurance and stamina. This is a mixed level class and is highly recommended for beginners.

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Core Yoga | プログラム写真

Feeling sluggish? Unlock your full potential with this beginner-friendly core workout! Join us as we ignite your muscles and get that heart pumping. This 60-minute session is designed to strengthen your entire midsection, improving posture, balance, and overall fitness. Prepare to feel the fire as we work through a series of intense yet approachable movements.

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Joyful Yoga | プログラム写真

"Hanuman", known as the god of strength and love, is the theme for this class. Entrusting yourself to the mystical music, the dynamic moves/postures in this class will lead you to a healthier mind and body!

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Core Yoga 2 | プログラム写真

Core strength is essential in our daily tasks and, more importantly, our overall well-being. A strong, stable core aids to protect our spine, prevents potential back injuries and improves postures. This sequence is tailored to strengthen and create the right balance between the major and minor core muscles from our shoulders to our pelvic floor. This program is suitable for all levels, and soon you will say goodbye to back issues with a healthier body and stronger core!

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Sound Flow Active | プログラム写真

Several types of music will guide you through deep focus in your practice. In the first half, simply enjoy the movement and postures, starting from engaging the foundation in your body to working on your core to make your body stable and strong. Gradually, we'll move to the dynamic second half to enjoy the beats of music. There is nothing complicated in the class. Just focus on your breathing, and most importantly, enjoy your 60 minutes!

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Youthful 1 is a 75-minute class that sharpens your consciousness during the entire class with a hand sign called Chin Mudra while moving to the music. This class intensively moves large muscles and burns from the core of the body.

Enjoy the feeling of being filled with energy from the inside and the comfort of dripping sweat. Recommended for those who want to sweat well and those who aim for a graceful body line.

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Energy Yoga | プログラム写真

This invigorating class aligns the body and breath to music. Feel the pulse of the music energises your body as you move from one asana to another during class. Let the energy powers you through the rest of the day!

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LAVA FLow 2 | プログラム写真

Focusing on the power of breath to guide the transition between each asana, LAVA Flow 2 relaxes both body and mind through moving meditation. Increase your self-awareness and challenge yourself to maintain conscious breathing as we flow through dynamic sequences until Savasana. This is a mixed level class and is suitable for practitioners of all levels.

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Detox Flow | プログラム写真

Detoxification begins with the 3 main systems of the body that play a crucial role in the elimination of waste – the cardiovascular, digestive and lymphatic systems. This class focuses on systematically stretching and compressing every part of the body, which facilitates the removal of waste products and assists the body to perform its natural function to detox. This class will also emphasise yogic breathing methods to further assist detoxification and aids in mental detox. These methods help purge toxic thoughts and chaos of the mind, bringing clarity of thoughts and peace to mind. Cleanse your body, clear your mind.

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 Fun Shape Perfect | プログラム写真

This class focuses on calorie burning for a fitter, more functional and well-balanced body. This class starts with a few yoga postures as a warm-up, followed by some abdominal exercises to strengthen your core and moving on to some boxing exercises for a full-body workout. An exclusive, unique blend of yoga, cardio and boxing to music will pump some fun and excitement as you burn the calories away.

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With age, the secretion of female hormones changes, which leads to the body changing. Adjusting your hormone levels to match your age will make it easier for you to maintain your youthful appearance and live a confident lifestyle. This program further strengthens the pelvic floor muscles we focused on in Anti-Ageing Yoga.

Flowing the whole body promotes fluid circulation and adjusts hormone secretion and the autonomic nervous system. Let's train the whole body from the pelvic floor muscles to cultivate strength from the inside, enriching your unknown creativity, and aim to maintain your youthful glow forever.

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A class that increases the intensity based on Power Yoga beginner's "Sun Salutation." Mindfully moving through every pose with every breath, you will be able to feel the wholesome effect. It is recommended for beginners wanting to level up and advanced practitioners who wish to revisit the basics again.

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Power Flow | プログラム写真

A powerful, playful and energetic flowing class. With fast-flowing sequences synchronising with every breath, this class challenges students simultaneously. Power Flow will burn your calories, tone, strengthen and cleanse your body. It will also clear your mind and leave you with a sense of accomplishment and empowerment. The poses will challenge you to unlock your hidden potential to achieve authentic personal power. Discover your true self in this class!

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LAVA Burn | プログラム写真

LAVA Burn +, an asana HIIT training for maximum strength training combined with yoga asanas! Incorporating dumbbells, this hot yoga class further challenges your body and mind! LAVA Burn + targets to build body strength, train your endurance, tone the muscles and burn more calories. Infuse your hot yoga practice with energy, stability and balance by combining asanas with intensity interval training. Get ready to burn more calories and reach your ideal weight loss with LAVA Burn. Sweat, sweat, sweat!

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A programme to release any unnecessary from your body and mind by moving continuously over music with joy. An exercise class accompanied by music to burn fats, reduce swelling and release negative emotions!

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